Tuesday, April 12, 2005

This is not a mission statement

I'm not new to this weblog thing. I had an account with blogger about 6 or 7 years ago and for the last 3 years i've had a livejournal. In that time i've rambled incoherently on film, literature, football, cycling and general day to day nonsense and used various forums as my "political space" on the internet to debate and argue various issues.

I intend this blog (Politics, ya bass* ) to be an extension of this political space. If anyone happens to read what I write, then that is a bonus - but it doesn't matter that much because my aim is mainly just to gather a few thoughts that I have.

For those outwith the West of Scotland 'ya bass' is generally an abusive term partially associated with gang culture in Glasgow - It's either short of "you bastard" or is a corruption of an ancient Gaelic expression for "battle and die". I prefer the 2nd explanation and because it also sounds similiar to Ya Basta (an Italian co-operative/leftist movement) I thought this name would be appropriate. More honestly that explanation gives meaning to a name that I never intended to use - I must have tried over 100 different options before I could get one that hadn't already been registered on blogspot!

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