Saturday, May 28, 2005

George Galloway and the Arabs

Just over a decade ago during the run up to the Scottish Cup Final of 1994 the then MP for Glasgow Hillhead, George Galloway was all over the newspapers, the TV and radio in Scotland expressing his love for Dundee United football club and describing how he was a die-hard-life-long fan and numerous other platitudes. But it appears he has forsaken his team now and switched alliegance to Celtic.

A minor irrelevance perhaps but it reminded of the words of Uruguayan poet, Eduardo Galeano, "En su vida, un hombre puede cambiar de mujer, sus opiniones politicas o su religion pero no su equipo de futbol." In his life, a man can change wife, his political opinions or his religion but not his football team.

Football fans will understand that statement is no exaggeration. Being a lickspittle black shirted apologist for fascism is one thing - changing your football team is on a whole other level!

Either that or he lied about being a die hard fan of Dundee United. Which begs the question - what else has he lied about?

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