Monday, November 28, 2005
firefox, internet explorer and a slight redesign
I've just recently discovered that this blog looked a bit messed up in Internet Explorer so i've changed the template and also moved a couple of other things which should hopefully improve things. According to sitemeter the vast majority of visitors still use Internet Explorer, which I also used up until about 6 months ago. It did everything I needed and whenever someone would recommend Firefox as an alternative to me I would never pay much attention thinking it was just a programme that would require more computer knowledge than I had and that I was better off sticking to something I already knew how to use. Eventually the faults of Internet Explorer got to be too much (mainly as a result of it being unable to render images correctly on a new widescreen laptop I got - a pretty basic fault considering the shift towards widescreen particularly for those with home media centers).
So this forced a shift to Firefox, which could render the images correctly, and I haven't looked back since. If anything it is even simpler to use than Internet Explorer, but it's also faster and (apparently) safer too. Best of all though, thanks to a couple of extensions i've added, it gives me a version of the web that is virtually advert and commercial free. I never thought i'd be one of these guys but I cannot recommend it highly enough:

So this forced a shift to Firefox, which could render the images correctly, and I haven't looked back since. If anything it is even simpler to use than Internet Explorer, but it's also faster and (apparently) safer too. Best of all though, thanks to a couple of extensions i've added, it gives me a version of the web that is virtually advert and commercial free. I never thought i'd be one of these guys but I cannot recommend it highly enough: