Thursday, May 04, 2006

Hitch v Cole "it's a blogwar"

It started wih this article by Hitch, The Cole Report: When it comes to Iran, he distorts, you decide. Juan Cole retaliated with Hitchens the hacker and Hitchens the Orientalist.

Hitchens responds to this in a radio/podcast interview transcribed and available to listen (in mp3 format) at Juan Cole is 10th rate...he is the embodiment of the mediocre...his sentences are syntactical train's illiteracy, simply. The interview contains some vintage Hitch-slapping that people by now have either grown to love or hate (i love it, naturally): also suggests very strongly, which is the fun bit, that Professor Juan Cole does not know what he is talking about, in any language. His English is, by the way, very poor. I can't believe his Persian is excellent, because his English is lousy. He knows no history, he has no policies. He is a complete dim bulb, and well, I must say, I took pleasure in pointing this out.
I get the feeling this ones going to run and run...

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